Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Making the world more beautiful one wall at a time

So apparently I'm crazy for my original idea of wanting to paint one wall five different colors. The guy behind the paint counter at Lowe's gave me that "your nuts" look...very much like the one when ever Bob and I go to Hobby Lobby. So after the paint guy ruined a can of paint showing me it is impossible to mix in between colors, I finally just went with 3 colors. And although my original idea didn't go through as planned, it still turned out amazing! It was so incredibly easy and has a lot of wow factor. Here are pictures of the process...

We just measured the wall and divided it into 3 even sections.  We then put marks on each side of the wall at the same distance.  Next we took a laser pointer/leveler and had it running from marking to marking.  We then used the laser line to put frog tape across in an even line.  And voila!  The reason the paint colors go so well together is because they are all the same shades of gray.  When we went to Lowe's, we just picked out one of those cards that has the 3 colors on it, and that was all there was to it!

The final product!  The maintenance people ended up having to come in to do some repairs and they called the manager.  They asked permission to photograph our town home to put on the website.  I'll give up dates if that goes through! 

The candle holders on the table are from Red Envelope and are about $70...but you can usually find a 10% off code somewhere on line. 

You can see how cool the hanging fish tank looks!  All we need are some fish!

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